A photo of me

I am an undergraduate student in my third year of studying Computer Science & Philosophy at Christ Church, University of Oxford. See Oxford.

I am also a maintainer of SciPy, an Open Source Python library providing fundamental algorithms for Science and Engineering. See Open Source Software.

My pronouns are he/him.

See also my career interests, other interests, and how you can contact me.


I am studying Computer Science & Philosophy at Christ Church, University of Oxford. I was the Undergraduate Vice-President at Christ Church in 2024/25.

I have studied the following Computer Science courses:

Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Linear Algebra, Continuous Mathematics, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Models of Computation, Algorithms & Data Structures, Functional Programming, Imperative Programming, Concurrent Programming, Computer Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Quantum Information

under Dr Irwin Zaid, Professor Yarin Gal, Professor Lars Kunze, Dr Andrey Kravchenko, Dr Graham Benham, and Dr Murad Banaji.

I have studied the following Philosophy courses:

General Philosophy, Turing on Computability and Intelligence, Early Modern Philosophy (Descartes & Hume), Ethics, Elements of Deductive Logic, Philosophical Logic, Feminist Theory

under Dr Fabian Pregel, Professor Peter Millican, Dr Christopher Frugé, Dr Aylon Cohen, Dr Alesia Priete, Dr Nick Tasker, and Dr Theodor Nenu.

I was awarded the Department of Computer Science Group Project Prize in 2024 for my work on Project OxFolder.

In my college, I have held the following positions:

  • Undergraduate Vice-President
  • Undergraduate Access Officer
  • Access Tutor
  • Captain of the Men’s Football 2nd XI

My LinkedIn contains descriptions of these roles.

I have also been involved in small amounts with the following groups in the wider university:

  • Food Rescuers (Secretary)
  • Oxford for North East (Access Ambassador for North-East England)
  • Computing and Technology Society

Open Source Software

I have spent a lot of time contributing to Open Source Software. This type of software is valuable because it democratises access to computational tools and encourages reproducible science. Also, anybody is welcome to help make it better.

See below for some Articles written about my Open Source work.

I am a maintainer of SciPy, one of the most important and widely used software libraries for science and engineering.
I am a member of the Consortium for Python Data API Standards, having worked on the Python array API standard.
I am the author of array-api-extra, a library housing extra array-agnostic functions built on top of the array API standard.
Founding Member
I am a founding member of quantity-dev, working on the standardisation of APIs for quantities and units in Python, as well as integration with the array API standard.
I gave a talk about my work on ‘The Array API Standard in SciPy’ in Szczecin, Poland.
Project Representative (SciPy)
I represented SciPy in discussions with developers across many NumFOCUS projects in Cambridge, Massachusets.
I worked on interoperability in the Scientific Python Ecosystem, with significant contributions made towards SciPy’s support for the array API standard, under the mentorship of Dr Ralf Gommers, Dr Pamphile Roy, and Dr Irwin Zaid. I wrote this blog post.
I have contributed to various other projects, mostly in the Scientific Python ecosystem and related ecosystems.


Career Interests

I am open to opportunities in the fields of Computer Science and Software Engineering, as well as their intersections with Philosophy, Politics, and Music.

I would be particularly interested in any opportunities to apply my skills to empower workers and grassroots community organisations in the face of corporate hell.

Other Interests

In my free time, I enjoy contributing to Open Source Software, listening to music, running, playing football and pool, and video games.

I am broadly interested in politics, particularly in politics which aims to reduce inequality, increase democracy, and foster peace.

Contact Me

You can email me at lucas.colley8@gmail.com. For Oxford-related things, you can also reach me at lucas.colley@chch.ox.ac.uk.